3 Key Tips: Caring for your New Puppy

3 Key Tips: Caring for your New Puppy
Are you getting a new puppy? Lucky you! A dog is a wonderful addition to any household. In fact, did you know that approximately 68% of U.S. households (that’s 85 million families!) have at least one? There are lots of tips for puppy care, but there are three essential keys for welcoming your dog to your home that’ll make the process smoother and more stress-free for everyone.
Caring for your New Puppy: #1 Preparation
Caring for your new puppy starts before you bring her home and maybe even before you pick her out. First, it’s essential to prepare your home for the new arrival. Here are some ways to do it.
Buy basic needs ahead of time:
- Bed
- Crate
- Food/water dish
- Collar/leash
- Toys (chew toys are going to be especially important)
- Gated dog enclosure with lock or a baby gate
The last thing you want to do is have to run to the store (and cause extra commotion and stress) because you didn’t have the basics on hand.
Make important decisions now. This is the time to figure out:
- Where the puppy’s bed goes
- Areas of the house that are off limits till the puppy’s older/house-trained
- The schedule for puppy care (is one person in charge or do you need to make a weekly chart so family members can share in care?)
If you wait to make these decisions once the puppy’s home, confusion and arguments may ensue. Who needs that?
Caring for your New Puppy: #2 Organization
Organize the elements of your puppy’s daily needs as well as their health-care requirements.
Start with this basic lifestyle list, do some research, and get organized.
- Choose a veterinary service if you don’t have one yet
- Line up a dog walker or doggy daycare service if the puppy’s going to be alone at home for extended periods of time during the day. Little puppy bladders just can’t wait all day!
- Start looking for puppy schools. Eventually, your puppy will benefit from “kindergarten” classes, where she can learn good manners and how to socialize with other dogs and people. Have one lined up, and you’ll be ready to roll when puppy’s ready
- Decide if you want to do a dog DNA test. If your puppy is a “mutt,” knowing the breeds that make her unique can help you know how to better care for her and how to train her
Caring for your New Puppy: #3 Routine
Routine is important for humans, and it is for your new puppy too. Getting your dog into a routine from Day 1 will be a great source of comfort and reassurance to her that life with you is going to be wonderful. Things always come up, but stick to a regular schedule as much as possible in these important areas:
- Meal times
- Walks
- Potty breaks
- Play time
- Bedtime
She’ll thrive!
And finally…
Keep life calm for the first week. The kids are excited about the puppy, you’re excited about the new puppy, the puppy’s excited about being in her new home. But too much excitement can overwhelm her. So try to keep things as quiet as possible and let her just get used to her new surroundings and her new routines. Have fun with your new puppy!
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