HomeDNA™ Ancestry Tests
DNA Origins® Maternal Lineage
Use DNA testing to learn more about the origins of your maternal ancestral line.
GPS Origins® Ancestry Test
Pinpoint your ancestry—even to the town or city—with the highest- resolution DNA test available.
GPS Origins® Ancestry Test | African Edition
For individuals of African descent, this DNA test for ancestry offers the deepest insights. Pinpoint your ancestry—even to the town or city—with the highest- resolution DNA test available.
GPS Origins® Ancestry Test | Asian Edition
For individuals of Asian descent, this DNA test for ancestry offers the deepest insights. Pinpoint your ancestry—even to the town or city—with the highest- resolution DNA test available.
HomeDNA™ Advanced Ancestry Test
Comprehensive DNA analysis gives personal gene-pool percentages and familial DNA migration routes.
Where am I from? What are my family’s roots? Find out by unlocking the treasure trove of information stored in your DNA. The HomeDNA™ suite of DNA tests answers these and more of life’s most important family-history questions, using the very latest technology and unique algorithms offered nowhere else. Which test is right for you?