New Year’s Weight Loss Tips for your Dog (and YOU)!

New Year’s Weight Loss Tips for your Dog (and YOU)!
It’s getting to be that time of year when we look back over the last 12 months and wish we’d taken better care of ourselves—and what about our pets? Do you wish you’d exercised more with your dog? Did you and your pet enjoy a little too much kibble together? Sometimes we just get caught up in busy-busy-busy and before you know it, the pounds have piled on. So how about setting some goals for both of you this year? Here are our no-nonsense New Year’s weight-loss tips for your dog and YOU.
New Year’s Weight Loss Tip: Commit to a Healthier Diet
FOR YOUR DOG: In 2016, the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention determined that, out of 42 million dogs surveyed, 54% were overweight or obese. Some of this can be attributed to not getting enough exercise, but much of it has to do with what and when you’re feeding your pet.
The American Kennel Club recommends that you first ask your vet what your dog’s healthiest weight should be and assess their body condition and the type and amount of food you’re feeding them. If it’s determined a weight-loss plan is in order, a professional like your vet is your dog’s best resource for doing so safely. The AKC also recommends
- Learning to distinguish between real hunger and begging (in other words, don’t fall for their cute little tricks to get you to give them a goodie)!
- Limiting treats and table scraps
- Being strong and sticking with your veterinarian’s plan—your dog is worth it and is depending on you to help them
FOR YOU: If you packed on a few extra pounds this year (and really—who hasn’t?), here’s the skinny on what can help. According to a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, more than 1 in 3 adults in the United States are considered overweight, and more than 2 in 3 adults are considered overweight or obese. If you want to lose some weight in the New Year, don’t get suckered in to the latest fad diets. Instead, go back to basics:
Eat more DNA: Did you know that the more processed a food is, the less DNA it has? So the healthiest foods are the ones that—when consumed—are as close as possible to their natural form: fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, eggs, milk, and meats. The fewer processed foods you eat, the more likely you are to lose those unwanted pounds.
Cut waaaaay back on sugars and starches: You’ll be less hungry (and end up eating fewer calories), you’ll start burning stored fat for energy, and you’ll shed water-weight too.
New Year’s Weight Loss Tip: Get Moving!
According to the Cleveland Clinic, exercise can help with weight loss, but is only an effective strategy when combined with some calorie-cutting too. So don’t think you and your pup will magically lose weight solely by exercising more. That being said, exercise can definitely help to speed up weight loss when combined with a calorie-cutting regimen.
FOR YOUR DOG: The best way for you and your dog to get more exercise without hurting joints or other areas of the body is to get out the door and walk more. Be sure you ask your doctor how much walking you should do if you haven’t exercised in a while! Though exercise needs are based on a dog’s age, breed, size and overall health, your dog should—on average— spend between 30 minutes to two hours on an activity every day, according to PetMD.
FOR YOU: Calorie-burning aerobic exercises like walking are great for your dog and healthy for you too. But, unlike your pup, you also have the option to engage in muscle-building activities like lifting weights or yoga that actually might benefit you even more. How do you know how your body responds best? Our Healthy Weight DNA test can definitely show you how you’re genetically predisposed to respond to different types of exercise. Whatever’s best for you, just commit, put it on your daily schedule, and stick with it!
Tip of the Tail to YOU
Good for you for wanting to make positive changes. Everyone needs a buddy when they’ve committed to losing some weight. Lucky you—you have a built-in pal who can travel this journey with you. Let this be your year for feeling great and improving your health!
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